Home >> Archive >> Vol:1, No:2 >> Use of Fish As Experimental Animals in Biomedical Research

Use of Fish As Experimental Animals in Biomedical Research

| İbrahim Cengizler |

Year:2022| Vol:1| No:2| PP 61-68

Factors such as the fact that fish are not difficult to maintain and breed, easy to obtain, and the environment in which they live can be easily adjusted according to demand and number, cause them to be preferred as experimental animals. In addition, the ease of application of drugs and chemicals to be used in experiments (depending on their water solubility) makes the use of fish as experimental animals widespread. However in the case of using fish as experimental animals, first of all, it is necessary to know their basic biological structures very well. Because fishes constitute the lowest group in terms of evolution among the pisces, amphibia, reptilia, aves and mamalia groups in the vertebrata subphylum, and some of their characteristics are quite different from mammals. Evolutionary positions and aquatic life characteristics of fish have caused them to be considered as ideal creatures in the study of both somatic and reproductive and molecular evolution. In recent years, fish have started to be seen as an important experimental model in the field of biomedical, especially in subjects such as embryology, neurobiology, and endocrinology. In this article, information about the use of fish as experimental animals in biomedical research is given, and in addition to this, the historical process of using other animals as test subjects is also examined.

Pisces; Animal; Experiment; Biomedical
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