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Partial Thoracic Type Ectopia Cordis; a Case Report

| Tugay Tepe | | Mustafa Özdemir | | Şerif Hamitoğlu | | Ahmet Kurtoğlu | | Hacer Yapıcıoğlu | | Ferda Özlü | | Orhan Kemal Salih | | Eyüphan Gencel | | Ömer Kokaçya | | Anıl Atmış | | Nejat Narlı | | Mehmet Satar |

Year: 2022 | Vol: 1 | No: 2 | PP 69-77

Ectopia Cordis (EC) is defined as a congenital defect which babies are born with their hearts outside their bodies. Abnormally located hearth (partially or totally outside of the thorax) mostly causes accompanying congenital anomalies. Although treatment options are limited and mortality rate is relatively high, surgical intervention is one of the most common treatment approaches. This paper presents a case of thoracic ectopia cordis with good outcome and its surgical intervention.

Ectopia Cordis; Surgery; Case; Intervention
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