Home >> Archive >> Vol:3, No:1 >> Comparative Endocrinology: Insights and Importance
Comparative Endocrinology: Insights and Importance
| İbrahim Cengizler |
Year: | 2024 | | | Vol: | 3 | | | No: | 1 | | | PP 3-10 |
Coordination in an organism is achieved through various chemical messengers. The term \"chemical messenger\" is an expression commonly used in a general sense. This term encompasses both internal secretions and external secretions. Internal secretions function in the coordination between an organism\'s organs, while external secretions play a role in coordination among individuals within a population. The main types of chemical messengers can be listed as hormones, parahormones, phytohormones, pheromones, neurohormones, and neurohumors. The word \"endocrinology\" refers to chemical coordination within a living organism. Particularly in metazoan organisms, the nervous and endocrine systems ensure organ coordination. Similarities and differences exist between vertebrate and invertebrate animals and within the taxa of these groups in terms of functionality, development, and homologies. Therefore, basing endocrinological research on a comparative framework can enhance researchers\' perspectives. Identifying chemical messengers and their effects on organisms can be effectively utilized across all biological sciences.
Chemical Messengers; Endocrinology; Comparative Analysis; Coordination Mechanisms
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